Hellllll-o-o! How are you? I have been cooped up with a sick kid for several days and I am beginning to go a bit stir crazy. It seems like we are all getting more sick than usual and I'm inclined to blame it on our public transport lifestyle. (At least that's what I thought when I saw a woman hacking on the bus, her head directly angled over my small daughter's vulnerable granola bar snack.) Oh, the trials of the plebeian family! I'm generally a total home body, but when it's mandatory, it gives me too much think time and too much insight into the cleanliness of the bathrooms. And I always think that list of little things will get whittled away, but it just seems to grow. If I felt annoying I would compose that list for you to read, but I'm feeling rather generous right now.
Hold on a sec, while I drink my effervescent, neon orange, immunity boosting glass of placebo sunshine. Can't be too careful here at the house of death.
I just thought of another danger of stay at home craziness - stream of consciousness writing. amirite?
Anyway. I have a bunch of photos of our sightseeing around London that I need to brag about, but I'm having issues with the new camera and the files. And I'm having a hard time mustering up an enthusiastic post about tourism. Because along with the stir crazy, the sun is setting at 3:59 pm and it's only getting darker. It's still a month til winter solstice and the daylight has been gray and rainy during daylight hours. So what I'm saying is, if November is already suffocating me, I seriously don't know what kind of mess I will be come February. My friends (aka my podcasts) can only cheer me so much. Although this week, Ira Glass was on Alec Baldwin's, Here's the Thing podcast, which comforted me when I couldn't leave my sickly child alone in order to drown my sorrows at the bakery.
I realize this is Pie Week in the US, though I've probably only noticed it because my IG feed has become a festival of pumpkin-themed food and thankfulness diaries. We don't get the days off, so we are going to opt out this year, and opt in to a little something I'm calling, CREPESGIVING. All you can eat crepes - stuff them with whatever you want. We'll probably celebrate this weekend, some time when we're not dealing with the school Christmas Fair. Thanksgiving stuff isn't that hard to find around here - I can order turkey (or some form of turkey that will fit in my mini oven) from my online grocer, as well as canned pumpkin, cranberries, etc. There are several restaurants that offer American Thanksgiving meals, and Whole Foods (yea it's here) offers a takeaway turkey dinner for multiple people. So, I've got options. But when it's just us, and my kids don't eat half of the traditional food anyway, I figure we can just do our own thing. And what's more American than bucking tradition? Nothing people. We've left our homeland and are starting new, and any blue-blooded Yank cannot argue with that line of thinking.
I know, I missed my graphic design calling.
But seriously, I hope you are all doing well wherever you are, and whatever holiday food you're eating. I am mostly happy to be a loner, but some days I miss the ease of unedited, unplanned conversation, picked up mid sentence or thought. Come visit! (But maybe not in November.)
Happy Crepesgiving!