Mobile photography workshops:

I gave up hauling my dslr around a while ago; too heavy, too obvious, and too much effort for photos that are consumables, viewed on a tiny screen. Those of you that have read my Instagram bio realize that all of my photos are shot with the handy phone in my pocket. It’s an amazing tool, and I’ve learned a lot about what works with mobile photography and what doesn’t. People ask me about filters, cameras, and how to take better photos for instagram all the time! There are definitely a few key changes you can make that drastically improve the quality of your photos, and I like chatting with people about it – there are no big mysteries.

I offer a private or small group workshop where we talk about all of these things! A two-hour session starts with a photo walk while we discuss mobile photography. The second hour we will review photos, and discuss the details of editing. A one-hour session can be booked for either of these topics: hands-on photography instruction, or learning the basics of smartphone editing. 

The goal is for you to walk away with photos you’re excited to share on social media, gain a better understanding of your phone camera’s capability, and build confidence in your own style and focus.